An audio collection of lectures and workshops by some of the central figures in psychotherapy and clinical theory. These experts present their core concepts that have withstood the test of time. These classics include:

  • Systemic Family Therapy with Gianfranco Cecchin
  • Constructionism with Humberto Maturana
  • Clinical Second-Order Cybernetics with Heinz Von Foerster
  • Ideodynamic Hypnosis with David Cheek
  • The Scientific Study of Hypnosis with André Weitzenhoffer

And even beyond the individual contributions of these masters, the materials drawn from the Systemic Constructions Conference provide an in-depth collection of presentations, discussions, and demonstrations integrating a variety of therapeutic perspectives.

Systemic Constructions

For the first time, in April of 1990, this diverse and complementary group of systems experts presented a three-day seminar and conference in Laguna Beach, California. During those three days, an international audience of professionals watched and participated in integrating the fields of:

  • Systemic Family Therapy
  • Constructionism
  • Hypnosis
  • Second-Order Cybernetics
  • Neurological theories

into a higher order of Family and Clinical Hypnotic therapies which remains today as the core of modern integrated therapies.

The conference portion included opening presentations from Gary Ruelas, Heinz Von Foerster, Humberto Maturana and Gianfranco Cecchin. Here, an overview of the history, evolution and the central enduring qualities of their specialties were presented.

The seminar portion, moderated and coordinated by Dr. Ruelas, was the clinical application, practicum and demonstration of their integrated perspectives. This included the clinical interview and intervention of a live individual client and a family. The participants of the seminar helped set up hypotheses, watch Drs. Von Foerster, Maturana and Cecchin interview the clients and formulate and enact interventions.

These audios are the recorded proceedings of this conference and seminar. They were created for the Society Archives for the private use of members to study and expand their clinical perspectives and skills. In response to the requests of others in the professional community, these recordings are now available to members in the mental health field.